Descargar Ebook Joint Denervation: An Atlas of Surgical Techniques de A. Lee Dellon PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis, Comprar ebook Joint Denervation: An Atlas of Surgical Techniques
Descripción - Críticas “This book would be of interest to neurosurgeons and plastic, hand, orthopedic, foot and ankle, and oral/maxillofacial surgeons. It is conceivable that surgical specialists will take notice of this approach and integrate it into their practice. Most likely, this material also will be of interest to myriad pain specialists who will then adapt it to nonsurgical interventional alternatives to operative procedures.” (Konstantin V. Slavin, Doody's Book Reviews, September 06, 2019) Reseña del editor This book serves as an anatomic atlas of the nerves that innervate the joints of the human body in a format that also provides technical insight into pathways that both interventional pain management and surgical subspecialists can use to denervate those painful joints when traditional approaches to manage the pain are no longer successful. This book avails the knowledge of how denervation can relieve joint pain available to the many groups of physicians who care for this problem. Each chapter is devoted to a joint and reviews the neural anatomy as it relates to the clinical examination of the patient. Chapters are user friendly and provide details on the indicated nerve blocks and the clinical results of partial joint denervation. Clinical case studies also serve as a helpful guide in each chapter. Extensive intra-operative clinical photographs and photographs from new prosections provide examples to guide those physicians providing care to the patients with joint pain. Joint Denervation: Anatomic Atlas of Surgical Technique should be of interest to surgical subspecialists from Neurosurgery, Plastic Surgery, Hand Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Podiatric Foot & Ankle Surgery, and Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons. It may also interest those physicians trained in Anesthesia, Radiology, and Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine for their evaluation and treatment protocols using hydrodissection, cryoablation and pulsed radiofrequency approaches to pain. Contraportada This book serves as an anatomic atlas of the nerves that innervate the joints of the human body in a format that also provides technical insight into pathways that both interventional pain management and surgical subspecialists can use to denervate those painful joints when traditional approaches to manage the pain are no longer successful. This book avails the knowledge of how denervation can relieve joint pain available to the many groups of physicians who care for this problem. Each chapter is devoted to a joint and reviews the neural anatomy as it relates to the clinical examination of the patient. Chapters are user friendly and provide details on the indicated nerve blocks and the clinical results of partial joint denervation. Clinical case studies also serve as a helpful guide in each chapter. Extensive intra-operative clinical photographs and photographs from new prosections provide examples to guide those physicians providing care to the patients with joint pain. Joint Denervation: Anatomic Atlas of Surgical Technique should be of interest to surgical subspecialists from Neurosurgery, Plastic Surgery, Hand Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Podiatric Foot & Ankle Surgery, and Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons. It may also interest those physicians trained in Anesthesia, Radiology, and Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine for their evaluation and treatment protocols using hydrodissection, cryoablation and pulsed radiofrequency approaches to pain. Biografía del autor A. Lee Dellon Professor of Plastic Surgery and Neurosurgery Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD USA
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